Eu sou um pobre porém feliz homem em seu Caminho

Eu sou um pobre porém feliz homem em seu Caminho
e todas minhas necessidades são satisfeitas quando necessário..............
I'm poor but happy a man of the Way
all my needs are satisfied by chance
last night the west wind downed an old tree
at daybreak firewood covered the ground
gauze silk clouds adorned red scarps
dew drop pearls bejeweled green cliffs
what's present has always decided my living
why should I burden myself with plans

- Stonehouse

[from 'The Zen Works of Stonehouse' translated by Red Pine]

Foto: I'm poor but happy a man of the Way 
all my needs are satisfied by chance
last night the west wind downed an old tree
at daybreak firewood covered the ground
gauze silk clouds adorned red scarps
dew drop pearls bejeweled green cliffs
what's present has always decided my living
why should I burden myself with plans

- Stonehouse 

[from 'The Zen Works of Stonehouse' translated by Red Pine]